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41. 810-812 S. Main St (1916)

These small commercial buildings with restrained geometric brick detailing are typical of early 20th century commercial architecture.

Additional Information:

This site was likely vacant until the current 1-story brick building with flat arches above the windows was built in 1916 for a harness shop. South of this building was a 1-story stone building with front and read facades which served as the "City Garage" , owned by John T. Coffee and Charles Wiggins in 1910.

Fun Facts:

1. The City Garage was purchased by Henderson and Williams in 1913. It is interesting to note that Henderson had a store here in the 1980s...

2. Custom Frames by Daniel operated here from the 1980s for several decades - the current owner still receives mail addressed to the shop!

3. A real estate business has been located at 810 for more than forty years.

Date: 2023

Image Credit: David Valdez, 2023

Photo taken in 1984

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