Buff-colored brick with terracotta and marble trim was used to construct the Georgian Revival style post office, the only example of this architectural style in Georgetown. The dormer window, roofline balustrade, classical pilasters, round keystone arched windows and handsome broken scroll pediment over the entrance are typical Georgian Revival details. In 1885, a frame structure on this site housed a livery stable and undertaker. Caskets were stored in front, and horses were stabled in the rear! Having completely renovated the structure in 1991-92, the City of Georgetown was honored for its sensitive rehabilitation and creative reuses of the building.
Fun Facts:
1. Snyder and Bryson were the proprietors of Eclipse Livery Stable and Undertakers' Establishment, offering first class outfits in 1897. They provided a hearse for free when goods were bought from their store.

Date: 2023
Image Credit: David Valdez, 2023

Date: 1984